Week of February 18th-22nd!!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the day off for President’s Day! We have a short week this week, and the last full week of February! Here are some important dates this week:

Monday- no school
Tuesday-read 20 minutes, rl
Wednesday- read 20 minutes, rl
Thursday- read 20 minutes, rl
Friday- Growth and Development testing, reading logs due

ELA: This week we will focus -ess on -hood words in spelling. We will also spend the week reviewing text features in nonfiction stories. Some examples of text features include graphs, charts, glossary, table of contents, etc. You can review text features by checking out the following websites:

1. Text Features game
2. Text Features Memory
3. Text Features Flappy Bird

We will discuss decomposers and decomposition this week. Students will learn about how living organisms help to break down matter into smaller pieces to make soil. Check out these practice activities below:

1. Soil Tetris
2. A-Maze-ing Underground
3. Decomposition video

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