I Wonder…

We have spent the last two weeks doing some science research.  Throughout the school year, students often have questions they want to ask, but we just don’t seem to have the time to research them and find the answer.  We have an “I Wonder” board in our classroom where students can post their questions.  At the end of each quarter, each student selects a question from that board to research on the computer.  We use this time to learn about credible sources, and how to give credit for answers and facts.  Students then write their question on their own blog, the facts they have found, and the source they found the facts at.  Please take the time to visit some of our blogs to discover some of the new things we have learned this week.  We have questions ranging from new galaxies being discovered in outer space to how a lizard’s tail is able to regenerate once it falls off.  Have fun!!!

Students: Your job when finished with your research and post, is to visit other blogs, read through their “I Wonder” post, and comment about a new question you now have after learning the new facts in the post.  Did anything strike you as surprising?  Do you need further clarification?  What else do you want to know?

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