Week of October 19th-23rd!

We have a short week this week with Parent Teacher Conferences taking place Wednesday night and Thursday day and night. There is no school for students on Thursday or Friday. Please return the conference form as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. We also have our rescheduled Pencil Palace on Wednesday.

ELA: This week, we are studying the theme and events in myths, especially Greek myths. We will also compare and contrast myths with each other. Check out these websites for practice:

1. Winged Sandals– a great website with stories, games, and facts about Greece and their myths.

2. Video about Comparing Themes

Science: We are starting our next section of the Earth Materials unit this week. We will learn about weathering, erosion, and deposition. Here are quick definitions of the three words:
weathering- the process of wearing away bits of rock
erosion- the process of carrying away the bits of weathered rock
deposition- the process of the bits of weathered rock that have been carried away piling up in one area

Here are some activities to help you learn these three vocabulary words:
1. Weathering and Erosion Pin Match

2. Shape It Up review game

3. Weathering and Erosion Video

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