Week of September 8-11th!

I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day and spent some time relaxing! I am going to be out of school most of the days this week (I will be back on Friday) due to training, appointments, and sickness, but I have lined up very reliable substitutes and our lessons will go on like normal. Here is a look at what we will be focusing on this week:

1. Science: Students will learn about mixtures and solutions, and how to separate those mixtures and solutions into their individual parts. Mixtures are combinations of materials that keep all of their original characteristics. For example, I could make a mixture of trail mix using m&ms, peanuts, raisins, and chocolate chips. When I mix them together, each ingredient keeps the same shape, same taste, and same texture. Solutions are combinations of materials where one ingredient dissolves into the other ingredient. An example of this would be adding salt to water to make a salt-water solution. The salt changes by dissolving into the water and the water changes the way it tastes. Check out the links below to learn more:

1. Mixtures and Solutions-Junkyard Analysis

2. Reversible and Irreversible Changes Activity

3. Practice Separating Mixtures and Solutions

English Language Arts:
This week, students will learn the sound pattern -eave as in heave, leave, weave, etc and the prefix dis- as in disappear, disagree, and dishonest. Students will also continue their study on elements of poetry, drama, and prose. Students can click below to review the characteristics that make a piece of writing a poem, drama, or prose.

1. Elements of Prose Review

By now, students should be working on reading 20 minutes a night at home and completing their Reading Log questions. These are due on the last day of September.

We are also excited about our chance to hit the principal, Dr. Koeneker, with water balloons on Friday. Dr. Koeneker told all students last year that if they scored proficient or advanced on the MAP test, they would get to throw water balloons at him (1 for proficient and 2 for advanced). This celebration will take place on Friday at 2:00. Look for pictures posted on this blog Friday afternoon!

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