5 thoughts on “Consumers and Predators Game

  1. hello evryone I probebly wrote about school last time I was on this blog what I wunt to talk about this time is how you act at home. I act well behaved but evryone if you act well at home, mabye you should act well behaved at school. I wonder how the techers feel when you act bad at school.I think they feel really bad because when they come to school ready to teach you, you just distract the other kids who want to be edicaded. do you ever feel how the other kids feel when you distracd them they are trying so hard to get an A on there test. when I act I would say I act in the middle that means a little good and a little bad. that dosent maen you act all perfect because I wrote this artical it means you should do it for the techers and for the kids who are trying to learn. I am sure that I am typeing the second to last thing. now walker school you dont have to pay moeny all you have to do to get in the school is fill out a paper. now I am just saying this just in case if you want to go to walker and you think that you have to pay a lot of money. now I know that I keep changing the subject but now we are going back to the behaver techers know if you are acting bad or good.you might think techers are so smart that they dont need to use there brains.but they do techers need there brains so they can remember what they learned from college.well everyone maybe you should read what I wrote and use it so you can maybe clip of the chart.oh and of corse I did not forget about what I wrot in the midle and if you want to sign up for walker school you can. right now I think I wrot a lot and not when pepole say a lot like they did not write a lot now I mean a lot a lot. but a comment right now who ever is checking this I think you are going to love this artical about how kids should act at school.
    Good Night evreyone.

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