Giving Thanks

This week we will not complete a blogging center due to two library classes and eValuate testing taking place during our reading time. However, I am hoping that students and families will visit our class blog and comment on things they are thankful for. I have seen people post daily for the entire month of November with different reasons they are thankful and I challenge you to log-in to our blog and tell us something new every day you are thankful for. Here is the first thing I am thankful for:

I am thankful for having two beautiful children to come home to every night that call me “mommy” and love me unconditionally. They light up my life and make me smile and laugh every day.

27 thoughts on “Giving Thanks

  1. Today, November 8, 2011, I am thankful for my husband. He is a great daddy to my sons and works hard to give us everything we need. He is also going to school full-time at Lindenwood University in the evenings to earn his bachelor degree in technology.

    1. I am behind on my thanksgiving: Here are some more things I am thankful for:
      -my warm, cuddly pets who greet me every day when I get home
      -having the chance to further my education with the help of the district
      -having food on my table every day
      -having a loving mom, dad, and stepmother
      -lots of extended family
      -my supportive twin sister and my super-smart brother
      -my step-brother and step-sister who added extra love to our family
      -all of my brother or sister-in-laws
      -my husband’s family who is always loving and generous!

  2. I am thankful that I have care.If I didn’t have care I would always get hurt.If there were a tarnado I would get hit by something flying around.

  3. I am thankful for books.Books take you away to a different place when you read them.Books are always your friends.I love books!!!

  4. Im thankfull for life on Earth because without life on Earth were would we be? Simply not even thoght of and never would have without our awsome planet.

  5. I am thankful for my brother Cody hes at Mizzou and hes 19 years old sometimes he comes home on the weekends like last weekend he tells me to get better at things like my flute.

  6. I’m thankfull for my techer Mis.Hecktter.why you may ask is becouse she care’s for me.she help’s me when i have troble.she is a awesome teacher.

  7. Im thankful for a dad who gives me food every day and gives me clothing on my back and plays with me and throws me a Birthday every year and thats wuy Im thankful for having a dad thats still living .

  8. I am so thankful for my great family.they always help me and take care of me.Now i have peple to spend my holidays with.Im lucke to have a family because some peple dont have some familey to spend time with.

  9. I am thankful for my uncle d but I will still miss him in Kentucky jail and I am thankful for my mom and dad and my grandparents and the rest of my family!!!!!

  10. I am behind on my giving thanks. Here are a few more:
    -I am thankful for a warm, comfy home to live in.
    -I am thankful for a job that I love coming to every day!
    -I am thankful for 23 students who challenge me every day and make me proud to be their teacher. Sometimes I am amazed at everything they are able to accomplish in a day’s time.
    -I am thankful for all of the amazing teachers I work with. They creativity and love of teaching is a driving factor behind my success.
    -I am thankful for a principal who had made me the teacher I am today. He challenges me every day to do my best which helps my students achieve more.

  11. I hope we see Patrick again.He has been a good student and friend. Patrick was the class clown and the only. He always got A’s and B’s just like me. I hope we see Patrick again like in like high school.

    1. Jessica,
      I know we will see Patrick again! Thankfully, he is still in our district and I am good friends with his teacher and will be able to communicate with him weekly. Let me know if you ever want to pass on a message!

  12. I’m Thank Full For My Class And Students and Teachers In it and i am thankful to be able to send another message to my classmates and the first person to see this i want to show Your Teacher And tell he i made this for her to tell the class and it starts here.

    Hey Classmate I love my new teacher he has a turtle and another thing and I miss all of you so much but when i leave early im going to come and see my class mates and the 4th grade people
    Cheese and Cream Patrick.N

    PS. I really think more than 1000 hugs is more than i need 😀

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