Week of February 13th-17th!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day week! I hope everyone gets to spend some time with family and friends that they care for!


Here are some important dates for this week:

Tuesday, February 14th: Bookmobile and Valentine’s Day party from 2:30-3:30 (bring your valentines and decorated box)
Wednesday, February 15th: Pencil Palace and early release day at 2:50
Friday, February 17th: reading logs due

ELA: This week we are working on the sound pattern -utch (clutch, hutch, dutch) for spelling. We will also spend the first part of the week working on our Evaluate test. This evaluates how we are progressing on fourth grade expectations in reading, language, and writing. We should really start to see our scores increasing since we are so far into the school year. Later in the week, we will use evidence to prove claims made in text. Students will go into a nonfiction article and cite specific statements made by the author to support a claim. Check out the following:
1. text evidence practice quiz
2. Fourth grade standards review game- Sir Read a Lot
3. Cause and effect practice game-Reading Raiders

This week we will continue to focus on speed. We will practice calculating our own speed doing certain tasks: jumping jacks, walking, skipping, hopping, etc. We will also find ways to change the speed of an object through forces. This will lead us to an activity where we change the height of a ramp to evaluate the effect it has on the speed of an object travelling down the ramp. Check out these practice activities:

1. Virtual Car-play with speed and velocity
2. online practice speed problems
3. Speed Study Jam

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