Lava Lamps Teach Us About Density

Today we did a very exciting activity. We made model lava lamps to help us learn about density. We combined two liquids with different densities, and then added alka seltzer tabs to watch them bubble. We even held them over flashlights to help them light up. We learned that water is more dense than oil so it sinks to the bottom of the bottle. Once we added alka seltzer to the bottle it mixed with the water on the bottom to create a gas. The gas captured small droplets of colored water and carried it to the top of the bottle because air is less dense than oil and water. Once the air bubble made it to the top of the bottle, the air bubble popped and the water droplet returned to the bottom of the bottle because it was more dense. Check out this video from youtube describing how to do it at home!

Lava Lamp video

Check out some pictures and video from today!



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