Week of January 23rd-27th!!!

We are starting our first 5-day week in a long time! With breaks, ice, and snow, we haven’t had 5 consecutive days in a while. I am hoping we can really get things moving in our learning this week! Here are some important dates to remember:
*Students should be reading 20 minutes nightly and filling out their reading logs each night.
Wednesday, January 25th: Chorus Concert at 6:30
Friday, January 27th: reading logs due
***You have until January 31st (next Tuesday) to pass 2 Reading Counts quizzes for the months of December and January!

ELA: This week we are focusing on words that have the -ume sound pattern in spelling (flume, plume, fume, etc). There is no spelling test this week. We are also wrapping up our unit on words and phrases from Greek mythology and starting our unit on point of view. We will focus on first person (the narrator is telling the story using “I”, “us”, “my”, etc) and third person point of view (the narrator tells the story using words such as “he”, “she”, “they”, etc). Check out these practice activities (fourth graders are not responsible for knowing second person point of view):
1. Throw the Ants review game
2. Point of View jeopardy
3. Point of View tutorial

Students will continue their study of energy with a focus on kinetic energy (energy that is being used), potential energy (energy waiting to be used), and identifying the sources (where energy comes from) and receivers (what object is getting the energy) of energy. Check out these activities for practice:
1. Kinetic and Potential Energy Practice with Roller Coasters
2. Potential and Kinetic Energy video
3. Receivers of Energy game

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