Week of September 12th-16th!!!

I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy this beautiful weekend! My children marched in a parade with the Cub Scouts, and we were able to enjoy time outside at our town’s annual Homecoming celebration. Here are some important dates for this week:

Wednesday, September 14th- PTA meeting @ 6:30
Thursday, September 15th- chorus and Student Council meeting
Friday, September 16- reading logs due and pictures day!

This week we will work on the sound pattern -edge. Some example words include hedge, ledge, and sledge. We will also begin learning about the different types of syllables with a focus on open and closed syllables this week. Our skill of the week will be identifying main idea and details from scientific and technical text. Check out the following pages for practice:
1. Main Idea Lightning Game
2. Main Idea Brain Pop
3. Main Idea practice quiz

This week we will focus on mixtures and solutions. Mixtures are 2 or more substances mixed together that retain their properties and can be separated. Examples include salt water, a salad, and a toy box. Solutions are 2 or more substances that dissolve in each other. Examples include salt water, koolaid with sugar, and the air we breathe. We will practice separating mixtures in our class this week. Check out the following practice sites:
1. Separating Mixtures and Solutions Online Practice
2. Junkyard Analysis
3. Mixtures and Solutions Review

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